“I owe my life’s work to the fact that I never gave up on my passion.”
When asked if she’s a rule breaker, the Michigan-born writer of countless poems, stories, books, musical compositions and the creator of multi-media performances, Georgia Shreve responds, “I don’t consciously break rules.” With a look in her eyes that is disarmingly earnest she quickly adds, “I just ignore them.”
Of course, Shreve is speaking about her number one passion - Creativity.
The twists and turns of her creative and intellectual life throughout the decades have been both challenging and thrilling. In her mid twenties in order to pursue and support her artistic passions, Shreve became one of the first female investment bankers. “I wanted access to things that everyone claimed to be impossible for women.” To that end, she also pursued an advanced degree in philosophy, an area that was noteworthy for providing women with limited to no access. She also avidly pursued a life as a serious composer, a landscape dominated by the great names of the past. Nonetheless and despite the lack of support and validation for the creative efforts of women in any of these fields, Shreve remained undeterred.
Perhaps it was due to her early upbringing that Shreve persisted. Born into a family where books dominated the home and a father who dutifully read to his daughters every night without fail, Georgia grew up a lifelong student, voraciously consuming knowledge and thereby acquiring confidence through intellectual prowess. Today she is in possession of more than four advanced degrees and is currently in the process of earning another. As a writer and composer, Georgia Shreve is also equipped with a deep understanding of the psychology and overall benefits of creativity; a powerful paradigm she identified and published in MAPP Magazine at PENN heralding in, “The Creativity Circuit,” a platform which explores the intersection and connectivity between personal fulfillment and creative outpourings.
Inspired deeply by the odysseys faced by courageous women of antiquity, Georgia has carved out a niche of important musical tributes to female heroines - some fictional some real. Telling their stories through words and music Shreve’s two semi-operatic oratorios, “Lavinia” and “Anna Komnene,” were given their world premieres in New York City’s prestigious Alice Tully Hall (April 2022). Featuring an all-star cast with costumes and visuals also conceived by Shreve herself, the works are scored for a 62- piece orchestra and solo voices. Shreve has followed these timely recordings with a new personal work titled, “Lives of a Woman,” (recorded recently by the Czech National Symphony Orchestra). Never one to rest, she has also completed work on two new novels: “The Process,” and “Bodies of Waters.”
Georgia Shreve’s personality is marked by an unbridled devotion to art and beauty in every realm.“I owe my life’s work to the fact that I never gave up on my passion.”
No doubt her quest will be inspiring new heroines for generations to come.